The Privilege:
CIO Magazine Taiwan App

Role: Mobile app UI UX design

CIO magazine was founded in 1987 in Framingham, Massachusetts to serve executives and technology decision makers in the information technology field and the burgeoning roles of Chief Information Officers. The monthly magazine was started in 1987, when the CIO title was new and relatively unknown in corporate America.

Today, CIO magazine Taiwan wants to create a private exclusive app just for CIOs around Taiwan. They want to share information of their own events and make connections between other CIOs. It is integral that this app be sociable and reliable at the same time.
As this is my first time designing an app, I would like to follow the design thinking process to help me achieve the goal.

CIO magazine Taiwan

Problem to solve

I partnered up with my product manager at an early stage of discussion with our client. This relationship has helped us identify what our client needed and what further problems there are to solve.
We’ve identified our goals as:

  • Creating exclusive membership only can be invited by CIO magazine Taiwan.
  • Spread event information on a monthly or yearly basis.
  • Enable our users (CIOs) to make connection through this app.
  • Provide a place for them to share resources and share information.
  • Make sure users are able to read our articles.


The wireframe process has definitely helped me to more clearly figure out the direction for this app. Since the app is going to be a social app, sharing and making connections are important aspects to consider. Not only must one consider how people share and on what social media they use, but also one must know the limitations and potential in developing the app.

Considering all these needs we ended it up with these four features:

Spread information, gather people, make opportunities

Share your thoughts, communicate ideas and experience. Find resources

Keep up with the latest tech article from CIO magazine

Make connections. Create innovation, further expand and improve the CIO community




A clearly tab menu was my first go to choice, since we only categorized four features.  The reason behind it is simple. We want fewer layers to enhance the user expereicne. We are following design guidelines, and we don’t want our users to feel that there are too many layers to confuse the navigation.


The main color plays an important role in this experience as well; it relates to how our users remember the CIO brand. It was an easy choice to incorporate the brand color in the original CIO magazine and keep a sense of consistency. The yellow and grey scale colors therefore play important supporting roles in the app.



The app is basically exclusive only for CIO who get an invitation from CIO magazine. With this kind of request, we provide a passcode to prevent people who do not have the invitation.

Only the CIO who receive the invitation will get an eight digit passcode to register with the app. In the case that a user somehow gets a fraudulent passcode to the app, we will have an admin account eliminate their access.

To start


Sign up

Ready to go


The official event is host by CIO magazine Taiwan, it's a great way to bring together talent from many different Taiwanese companies. This app will not only show you the information of the event, but will also give our clients way to bring guests through sharing on social media sites facebook, twitter or any other of the like.

We also make it easy for clients to coordinate the app to their personal schedule either on a phone or google calendar.

Pick the event

Take a look of the detail

Share to your friends

Register to the event

And put it in your schedule


To create a CIO community isn't easy. The only way to bring our users  together is to create a venue for them to communicate. By doing that, the previously mentioned wall feature allows a sharing of ideas, thoughts or experience and a place to communicate a response. The wall feature also allow the user to see all the other people who post on this app.

Since there won't be so many CIO users, it could be beneficial to see what everyone shares on the wall. As a user you can also like or comment on the post that got your attention.

Scroll through the app, you can like the post

you can post something your own, with picture or link.

Comment under the post

Check out other CIO

See who else is on the app

Get in touch


This app will also allow the user to catch up with the latest CIO magazine article.


Making connection is one of most important feature in this app. At this phase we are still in a very early stage developing.

Final Thought

After finishing up the phase one for this app we have found much to improve the user experience of the app. Some improvement that could be included in the next phase  what I might include a Chat feature that will make connection easier and more organic. A notification feature for a client’s inbox is also a feature that I want to include in phase two, which we will only provide for admin account.

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